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A Great Day For Learning




This is a painting that I made for my cousin Amy when she was having a new baby. It is a picture of her whole family at the barn dance in Saskatchewan.  It has Amy with Micah, Isla and the new Baby Wesley. I also added Aunty Helen and Uncle Kelly with Patrick, Stephanie and Terry. 

This painting is called  "A Great Day For Learning"  because here in the summer it is the perfect day for learning. In the clouds I painted all the activities that our family will sing and teach Wesley as he grows up to help show him how much fun learning can be. 

Habitat For Humanity

This is a picture I drew for our Boss Dave from Habitat For Humanity. In this picture, I drew Dave, all of his Builders, my Dad and me as we meet Bob the Builder and his Can do Crew on an exciting Building Adventure! In the Construction Site, make sure you put on your work boots and your hardhats and strap on your Toolbelt because I want you to be safe while we go to work and get the job done.

I had fun having great conversations and doing lots of building jobs with 'The Best of Boss Dave' and 'Bob the Builder's Teamwork at Habitat For Humanity.'

Reader Rabbit: 1st Grade

This picture is one I drew and sent to my teacher Maclayne. In this picture, my friends and I are getting ready for a big show with some friends from Reader Rabbit. To get ready for the show we got all the Music, costume's, scripts, and props. I love putting on shows with my Friends. Hopefully we can go to Musical Theater again soon because "The Show Must Go On!"


Sesame Street: Search and Learn Adventure


This is a drawing I made for drama class. I added in all my Semiahmoo friends and teachers from my drama class.  Also, In the background, I have all the Muppets from Sesame Street. Me and my friends from Drama Class like to dress up and pretend to be other people to put on shows. In this picture, my dog Max is going as Watson and I am dressed like Sherlock Hemlock, the worlds greatest detective! 

Disney's Aladdin

This is a painting of the live action movie, Aladdin. I made it for Samantha and her sister Victoria. I painted Aladdin, the Genie, and all the characters. I like that they are in Egypt with the pyramids. 


Surrey Storm

This is a baseball painting I made for Emma on her birthday. Emma likes to play baseball and her team is the 'Storm.' I painted her team uniforms and a bat, ball, and glove for her to use at her games. I always like to go watch her games and see which uniform she's wearing. I always look for Emma wearing the number 9 on the ball field. 


The Queen Elizabeth Theater

"From Vancouver B.C. in Canada it's the Queen Elizabeth Concert Show!"

My Uncle Bill used to work on the stage lights at the Queen Elizabeth Theater. I think that it would be fun to put on a show with Uncle Bill,  Aunty Lori and my cousin Beth. I would be the host of the show, Uncle Bill would work the lights and switches, Aunty Lori would get to check off the clipboard, and my cousin gets to be the director!